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The state of the business environment in Russia against the background of socio-economic "shocks"

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7 April 2020
Состояние деловой среды в России на фоне социально-экономических «шоков»
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28 April 2020
What Will COVID-19 Mean for LNG?

Already grappling with a supply glut in liquefied natural gas (LNG), global gas companies face fresh challenges due to two seismic events: the COVID-19 pandemic and the global oil price shocks. Together, these developments are set to deepen and lengthen the current imbalance between supply and demand in LNG markets, leading to a lower-for-longer price environment. As a result, up to 8% of global LNG demand could be at risk (more than 25 million tonnes per annum, or MTPA) in the near term while the low-price environment could last another one to two years.

13 November 2020
81% of Russians missed out on the summer holiday season 2020

The Research Centre NAFI has published the results of a survey which show that most Russians didn’t go on holiday during summer 2020, and those who did mostly travelled by car.

19 May 2020
Impact of Repayment Holiday for Individuals, Small and Medium-sized Businesses (SMEs) on Russian Banking System

National Rating Agency experts present an analytical review of the repayment holiday impact, which is part of a set of measures to overcome the negative economic consequences of the crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic. The review examines various aspects of the repayment holiday influence on the Russian banking system.