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81% of Russians missed out on the summer holiday season 2020

13 November 2020
81% россиян пропустили летний отпускной сезон — 2020
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The Research Centre NAFI has published the results of a survey which show that most Russians didn’t go on holiday during summer 2020, and those who did mostly travelled by car.

19% of Russians travelled for their holidays this summer, although in spring as few as 9% were planning to do that. The authors of the report think this fact indicates that people have got tired of the restrictions introduced because of the pandemic. Also, active steps taken by tourism market players were a contributing factor. Compared to 2019, the tourist flow has decreased by 10%.

People who managed to go on holiday mostly travelled by car (63% of the respondents who went on holiday in summer 2020). Other travellers took a plane (16%), a train (16%), or a bus (5%).

For more information about the current state and development of the Travel & Tourism sector which forms the basis of many economies, please see the StayHomeEconomy, Culture, and Tourism special sections of the Roscongress information and analytical system.

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