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What Will COVID-19 Mean for LNG?

28 April 2020
Чем обернется пандемия COVID-19 для сегмента СПГ?
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Already grappling with a supply glut in liquefied natural gas (LNG), global gas companies face fresh challenges due to two seismic events: the COVID-19 pandemic and the global oil price shocks. Together, these developments are set to deepen and lengthen the current imbalance between supply and demand in LNG markets, leading to a lower-for-longer price environment. As a result, up to 8% of global LNG demand could be at risk (more than 25 million tonnes per annum, or MTPA) in the near term while the low-price environment could last another one to two years.

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28 April 2020
COVID-19 Consumer Sentiment Snapshot #2: Racing the Clock

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28 April 2020
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22 April 2021
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26 August 2020
"Growing competition in the economy is the main message for the education system"

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