Project description
The company intends to launch in the Central Federal District of the Russian Federation the production and marketing of the assorted ready-made frozen pasta. Only wholesame and environmentally friendly components are used in the production of such pasta, namely flour, eggs, spices and water. There is no need to use any preservatives, flavoring agents or colorants since the production and storage technology enables preserving the mineral-vitamin complex for 2 years. The manufactured product is not a novelty (there is already an established sales market in Europe, the product has been imported into the Russian Federation for over 3 years).
The main consumer feature of the ready-made frozen pasta is the cooking time — it takes only 2-3 minutes to heat a serving in a microwave oven (it is also possibe to use convection ovens, so called the «„pasta cookers“»).
The market in the Russian Federation is undergoing its inception phase. The volume of the frozen pasta market is not yet even comparable to the traditional pasta one. The share of the finished product imported into the Russian Federation accounts for no more than 5% of the total supply volume. There are no large domestic players on the market — demand is satisfied by the import deliveries.
The company plans to focus sales in the following segments: HoReCa — 50%, municipal institutions (hospitals, schools, preschools, etc.) — 20%, and catering companies — 30%.
Description of project services and / or products
As a part of this project, two types of iqf (frozen, finished) products will be manufactured — pasta in varioety of shapes and spaghetti in the form of a «nest».
A traditional serving of pasta (100 g.) consists of the following: 75% complex carbohydrates, 12% protein, 3% fiber, vitamins B1, B2 and PP and mineral salts. During the cooking process, some of the nutrients are released into water, and other — become decomposed under the high temperature. These are mainly carbohydrates, protein, vitamin B1 and phosphorus. Given the fact that there is a amino acid imbalance of the protein contained in pasta, it is optimal to use pasta together with products containing another proteins to increase the nutritional value of the food product. That is why the consumption of pasta with vegetables and sauces significantly improves its nutritional value.
This pasta is made exclusively from natural products — premium flour from durum wheat, egg powder and water. Besides, upon the customer’s request, salt, olive or other oil, or spices can be added. The product is free from any colorants, flavoring agents or preservatives.
This is an instant food — the consumer only needs to heat it in the microwave for 2-3 minutes, or frying pan. The product is delivered and stored in a frozen state (at t −18 −25 C) in various types of packaging from 0.2 kg to 2.5 kg placed in boxes of 5 and 10 kg, depending on the target segment. Product shelf life is 24 months.