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Urals Volunteers Help Organise GMIS

17 July 2019
Волонтеры Урала приняли участие в организации саммита GMIS

More than 250 volunteers from Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, and St. Petersburg were involved in organising the Global Manufacturing and Industrialisation Summit that took place in Yekaterinburg on 9–11 July.

Activists from the Urals Volunteer Centre at Ural Federal University took part in organising the Summit. The educational component of the Summit included correspondence and classroom stages. As part of the correspondence stage, candidates received methodical materials to study, while the classroom meeting featured a seminar on the upcoming Summit and the jobs that volunteers would need to perform at it.

At the Yekaterinburg-EXPO, volunteers handled traffic flows, helped participants navigate the congress centre site, accredited Summit guests, and assisted media representatives and organisers in their work. They also handled offsite registration at Yekaterinburg hotels and Koltsovo Airport from 6 July until the end of the Summit.

In the future, volunteers from the Sverdlovsk Region will be involved in a number of large-scale projects. Upcoming events include the 20th AIBA World Boxing Championships in 2019, the 45th WorldSkills Championships in Kazan in 2019, and the 2020 European Football Championship in St. Petersburg.