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Tenzor International Cup Series Included in EEF 2022

21 July 2022
Серия Tenzor International Cup включена в программу мероприятий ВЭФ-2022

The All-Russian sailing regatta series Tenzor International Cup 2022 continues to expand its partnership network as it integrates into significant sport and business projects and events.

Held under the auspices of the Russian Yachting Federation and its title partner, Tenzor Consulting Group, the TIC series acquires a new status due to its inclusion in the Eastern Economic Forum 2022 programme.

The Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) is a key international platform for creating and strengthening ties between the Russian and international communities in a variety of areas ranging from economics and investment to culture and sports. In 2022, the Forum will be held in Vladivostok from 5 to 8 September and will be one of the most significant events of the year.

In partnership with the Roscongress Foundation and its Roscongress Sport Club platform, agreements have been reached to include the Tenzor International Cup 2022 series in the EEF 2022 events programme. Traditionally, the most outstanding tournaments and competitions in various sports are held as part of the EEF, including sailing regattas, which have been part of the Forum’s agenda for many years.

Andrey Pushkin (Managing Partner of Tenzor Consulting Group): «The inclusion of the Tenzor International Cup 2022 project into the EEF 2022 events programme brings both a new challenge and new opportunities. Sailing and yachting are becoming increasingly more popular in Russia and we are glad to contribute to the development of this sport. Among the priorities of the project, which we outlined at the TIC series presentation in Monaco earlier this year, were the geographical expansion of the stages, attraction of foreign participants, partners and popularization of sailing at the international level. Thanks to the cooperation with Roscongress Foundation and integration into the club sport programme of EEF 2022, the project will extend its scale and reach a new level of development. We will try to fulfil the maximum potential of the Tenzor International Cup series and complete all the initiatives in full cooperation with our partners.»