Invest in Russia — invest in Russian regions!
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19 April 2021

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26 March 2021
World Energy Trilemma Index 2020

Since 2010, the World Energy Trilemma Index has provided an independent and objective rating of a country’s energy policy and performance using verified global and country-specific data to assess management of three core dimensions: Energy Security, Energy Equity and Environmental Sustainability.

24 September 2020
The future of Arctic security. The geopolitical pressure cooker and the consequences for the Netherlands

In their report, specialists of Clingendael Institute have analyzed the Arctic region in terms of interconnection between climate changes and geopolitical context of security and further development of the Arctic region.

23 October 2020
Future Consumer Index: How COVID-19 Affects Consumer Behavior in Russia

EY experts presented a study that will help managers to better understand and track consumers behavior and attitudes in Russia and worldwide.

Analytical digest
17 April 2019
Russia through a lens

The 13th issue of Russia Through a Lens, the analytical journal produced by the Deloitte Research Centre in Moscow, falls under the Research Centre’s monitoring activities.