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The Far East is waiting for you!

30 August 2019
Дальний Восток ждёт тебя!
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At the plenary session of the IV Eastern Economic Forum President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin articulated the necessity for a national programme for the development of the region: «This national programme should contain detailed and specific dimensions together with measurable indicators. This is a job for our colleagues in the Government and the regions.»

At the moment, the National Programme for the Development of the Far East is approved by the State Council of the Russian Federation. It is planned to present it to the President at the Eastern Economic Forum 2019.

In the article titled «For one and all», Presidential Envoy to the Far Eastern Federal District Yury Trutnev emphasized the importance of this document: «By developing our economy, by attracting trillions of rubles to the Far East economy, we lay the foundation for solving social problems, too.»

In his turn, the Minister for the Development of the Far East Alexander Kozlov stated that the region had a great potential for scientific development: «I’d be happy to see the Far East becoming a mecca for young scientists.»

An important part in the National Programme for the Development of the Far East is played by issues related to improving the region’s infrastructure. Specially for this publication, Sergey Tyrtsev, First Deputy Minister for the Development of the Russian Far East, spoke in an interview about air travel in the region.

The article titled «Ellipsis...» deals with the development of social infrastructure. According to the publication, in the nearest three years, the Far East will have 199 social facilities constructed, modernized, or rebuilt.


The section titled «Economy» contains articles about the projects launched in the TADs and the Free Port of Vladivostok, as well as an item about the Nizhneleninskoye — Tongjiang railway bridge which is being constructed in the Jewish Autonomous Oblast and will become the first railroad from Russia to China.

The issue concludes with the «Interest» section which tells the readers about fossil animals and hockey and other winter sports which are popular in the region.

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