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Green Events: Challenges and Opportunities

Analytical digest
14 June 2019
«Зелёные» мероприятия: вызовы и возможности
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The new issue of Open to the World, a special edition produced by the Russian Convention Bureau, was published on the threshold of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2019.

According to Guy Bigwood, Managing Director at Global Destination Sustainability Index, cities now consume 75% of the natural resources of the Earth and emit 80% of the world’s greenhouse gases. So, it is in megacities where the struggle for our common future without major climate change is being waged. If humanity does not change the way it lives in the most radical way, the results will be disastrous. As stated by Irina Shmeleva, Director of the Institute of Sustainable Development Strategy, Head of the Urban Sustainable Development Lab, Institute of Design and Urban Studies, IFMO University, contemporary business is unthinkable without a focus on the Sustainable Development Goals. This applies to all industries, including the event industry and tourism. Russian business will not be able to stand aloof from global challenges and threats.

The seventeen sustainable development goals create new possibilities for development in the event industry. World practice has shown that companies that act responsibly, employ green technologies, follow environmental standards, and think about solving social issues for the sake of future generations are also more successful in business. The industry has new ways of dealing with challenges. To achieve the sustainable development goals, the corresponding strategy must be adopted throughout the organization, communicated to all employees, and integrated into all business processes, while the results must be monitored.

Among the current sustainable development trends MCI, a global leader in the event organization market, names transparency and ethics, digitization, new criteria for selecting suppliers, social responsibility, biomaterials, sustainable destination development, etc.

This edition of the RCB digest also provides the SCO and CIS Capitals Event Potential Rating produced annually by the R&C Market Research Company. In 2018, Beijing, Moscow, and New Delhi make up the Top 3. Nur-Sultan and Baku strengthened their positions, having taken the third and the fourth places respectively. The rating gives an opportunity to assess the degree of maturity of the event industry in the rated cities, their facilities and resources, regional marketing, coordination between the market participants, experience with holding major events, and recreational opportunities.

As for the Russian Regions Event Potential Rating 2018, also prepared by the R&C Market Research Company, the Top 5 is composed of St. Petersburg, Ekaterinburg, Sochi, Kazan, and Nizhny Novgorod. Russia is still in the process of creating its image on the international market as an attractive destination for significant events. The event potential rating, however, makes it possible to track annual changes affecting the development of the event market in the country’s regions.

The Russian Convention Bureau has developed a new product to promote the event-based capabilities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation — passports of regions. The analytical document provides information on the territory, the economic and social situation there, ongoing projects, and the event potential of the destination. This edition of Open to the World presents a summary of the passport of Kamchatka Territory.

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