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29 December 2022
Россия — АСЕАН: выстраивание региональных ЦДС в Большой Евразии
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27 July 2024
The Path Competencies Are There. Many goods to a Multipolar World

Russia’s ‘eastward turn’ is not just a response to geopolitical challenges. We are witnessing the birth of a new multipolar world, in which Russia and the countries of the East will emerge as key players

Expert opinion
15 October 2019
Andrey Slepnev: "It’s time to go beyond stereotypes amid the developing Russia-Africa economic relations"

In anticipation of the Russia-Africa Summit and Economic Forum, Andrey Slepnev, General Director of REC, gave his perspective on comprehensive economic cooperation between Russia and African countries.

23 January 2018
21st CEO Survey The Anxious Optimist in the Corner Office, 2018

Every year, PwC conducts a large-scale survey of the CEOs of leading companies worldwide for deep and comprehensive understanding of key challenges facing global business leaders. In the 21st survey, PwC explored CEO views on trust and tenure; how public confidence in business has fallen along with trust in other major institutions of society. This year, 1,293 company executives from 85 countries took part in the survey. The results were presented at the World Economic Forum in Davos (WEF).

18 January 2019
Barriers, Derogations and Restrictions in the Eurasian Economic Union

This report — the so-called «White Paper» — is the result of joint work of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC), the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union, and the business community. The report describes existing obstacles in the internal market of the EEU, mechanisms for their removal, and benefits of the removal to the member states.