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21st CEO Survey The Anxious Optimist in the Corner Office, 2018

23 January 2018

Despite highly publicised handwringing over geopolitical uncertainty, corporate misbehaviour, and the job-killing potential of artificial intelligence, there is surprising faith and optimism among chief executives in the economic and business environment worldwide, at least over the next 12 months. This is proved by the 21st survey of CEOs of the largest companies worldwide. 2017 saw the highest-ever jump to the highest-ever level of CEO optimism regarding global growth prospects over the next 12 months.

For the first time since asking the question in 2012, CEOs believe global economic growth will ‘improve’. In fact, the percentage of CEOs predicting ‘improved’ growth doubled from the last year. This record level of optimism holds fast across every region from North America (defined as the US and Canada for this survey) and Latin America to Western Europe, Central & Eastern Europe (CEE), Africa, the Middle East, and Asia-Pacific.

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14 February 2018
Essential Eight Technologies: Internet of Things

The IoT is one of the biggest disruptors for companies across industries. As more devices connect to the internet and to one another, the IoT (Internet of Things) is moving beyond consumer devices to businesses of all kinds. The IoT creates opportunities for new products, services and business models. Boards should understand how this technology will impact their company’s strategy.

26 February 2020
The Global Risks Report 2020

The 15th edition of the Global Risks Report, published by the World Economic Forum with support from Marsh & McLennan and Zurich Insurance Group, provides a rich perspective on the major threats that may impact global prosperity over the next decade.

30 December 2019
World Development Report 2020: Trading for Development in the Age of Global Value Chains

The World Bank Group has published a flagship report about the world development in 2020. The publication studies the causes and implications of the slowdown in globalization. Also, the World Bank analysts identify a number of threats that could nullify the progress on poverty reduction achieved over the last decade.