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Outstanding quotes from EEF 2022: Forum participants on education, technological and economic development

Expert opinion
6 September 2022
Яркие цитаты ВЭФ-2022: Участники форума об образовании, технологическом и экономическом развитии
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27 March 2020
Key Tax Developments in 2020. Tax Amendments in 2019

This digest of tax amendments prepared by KPMG summarizes tax-related alterations in 2019 and reviews key developments for taxpayers coming up in 2020.

23 December 2019
Ekaterina Petrova: Startups can help corporations meet ambitious targets

In an interview to Inc., Ekaterina Petrova, Managing Director of GenerationS, a federal-level tech startup accelerator organized by the Russian Venture Company, spoke about the advantages that searching for new startups gives to traditional industries and about ways to implement tech projects in corporations.

Analytical digest
26 March 2019
Business Guide. National Technology Initiative
This specialist supplement to Kommersant was published jointly by the Kommersant Publishing House and the Russian Venture Company (RVC). The supplement assesses the progress of the National Technology Initiative in Russia and summarizes interim results produced by technological innovations.