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The Magazine of the Eastern Economic Forum Will Highlight New Opportunities for the Far East in the 21st Century

30 August 2021
Журнал Восточного экономического форума расскажет о новых возможностях Дальнего Востока в XXI веке

The Roscongress Foundation has published the magazine of the Eastern Economic Forum. The main theme of the publication is in line with the motto of the Forum: «The Far East: A Land of Development and Opportunities».

The centrepiece of the issue is an interview with Alexei Chekunkov, Minister of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic, where he talks about the four areas on which, in his view, the economic success of the Far East will be built in the 21st century, and summarises some of the Ministry’s work.

In other articles, readers will learn about the prospects for green energy in the Far East, the role of Advanced Special Economic Zones (ASEZs) and other preferential mechanisms for attracting investment, and get acquainted with the largest projects planned or already underway in the Far Eastern Federal District.

An extensive section of the magazine is devoted to thematic zones and projects to be held during the EEF. These include the Far East Street exhibition, which will bring together all 11 regions of the Far Eastern Federal District on the Ajax Bay promenade, as well as premieres of the current Forum. These are the Invest in Russia space, the Point Junior platform for dialogue with young people, and the Creative Business Forum.

The Forum section contains useful information on how to work effectively at the event: business, cultural and sporting programmes, a handy site navigator, and the essential contacts and addresses.

Traditionally, there is a lot of entertaining content, be it a story about unusual places in Vladivostok, the best restaurants in the city, sailing, or one of the main symbols of the region, the Amur tiger.

The EEF magazine is published in Russian and English and is distributed at the Forum venue, in official Forum vehicles, on Aeroflot Moscow-Vladivostok-Moscow flights and by mailing list. The electronic version is available on the website in the Magazine section, as well as in the ROSCONGRESS.ORG Information and Analytical System.