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Thai Delegation to Attend Eastern Economic Forum 2021

16 August 2021
Делегация Королевства Таиланд примет участие в Восточном экономическом форуме – 2021

Adviser to the Russian President and Executive Secretary of the Eastern Economic Forum Organizing Committee Anton Kobyakov held a meeting in Moscow with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Thailand to the Russian Federation Sasiwat Wongsinsawat during which the officials discussed issues related to a Thai delegation’s participation in the 6th Eastern Economic Forum as well as the possibility of expanding cooperation between the two countries in trade, economics, and tourism.

“The EEF 2021 programme will pay special attention to ASEAN countries since this year marks two anniversaries in Russia–ASEAN cooperation: the 30th anniversary of relations and the 25th anniversary of the full-scale dialogue partnership. Next year, Russia and Thailand will celebrate the 125th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. We are open to discussing ideas for anniversary events and Thailand’s participation in all formats in Russia, and we look forward to further productive cooperation,” Kobyakov said.

The officials noted that the Russia–ASEAN Business Dialogue will be held at the EEF and will focus on the pace of the development of economic relations between the two countries. The Russian side welcomed the participation of Thai officials and members of the Thai business community as speakers for this session.

“The Thai delegation’s participation will serve as a good opportunity to discuss key issues facing South-East Asia in various formats, including in the Russia–ASEAN format and also in terms of relations with SCO and EAEU countries. This discussion will lay the foundation for the APEC Summit to be held in Thailand in 2022. It is crucial for us to develop economic and trade relations between Russia and Thailand and especially restore tourism ties,” Wongsinsawat said.

The meeting participants also discussed economic recovery and further economic growth and the development of cooperation in culture and sports.

The officials also discussed the possibility of signing cooperation agreements between the Roscongress Foundation and partner organizations from Thailand in an effort to deepen relations between the business communities of the two countries.