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The ‘Far East Street’ Exhibition to Be Held in Vladivostok on 2–7 September

1 July 2021
Выставка «Улица Дальнего Востока» пройдет во Владивостоке 2–7 сентября

At the instruction of Yury Trutnev, Deputy Prime Minister – Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Far Eastern Federal District, a meeting was held in Moscow to discuss the preparation for the ‘Far East Street’ exhibition at the 6th Eastern Economic Forum.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy’s Office, the Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East and Arctic, the Far East Development Corporation, regions of the Far Eastern Federal District and the Roscongress Foundation.

“The events of the Eastern Economic Forum represent the Far East in Russia and internationally. Over the five years of its existence, the ‘Far East Street’ exhibition has truly become a real gem of the Forum. The exposition reveals the investment, economic and cultural potential of the Far Eastern regions to EEF participants and guests,” said Denis Andreev, Deputy Plenipotentiary Envoy of the Russian President in the Far Eastern Federal District.

The ‘Far East Street’ exhibition will open at the Ajax Bay Promenade of the FEFU campus on 2–7 September. It will represent the unique features of the eleven regions of the Russian Far East: their economic potential, opportunities for tourism and cultural traditions. This year, a special zone will operate at the exhibition for the first time to host several events of the EEF business programme. On 2–4 September, guests and participants of the EEF will have a chance to visit the exhibition; on 5–7 September it will be opened for the general public. The exhibition is organized by the Roscongress Foundation with the support of the Office of the Presidential Envoy to the Far Eastern Federal District.

According to Igor Pavlov, Deputy CEO of the Roscongress Foundation and Director of the Eastern Economic Forum, the concepts for the pavilions of the Far East regions and federal executive authorities are currently undergoing approval, and the sports and cultural programmes of the exhibition are being designed. This year, special attention will be paid to compliance with anti-epidemic measures at the exhibition.

“There is simply no other opportunity to present a Far Eastern region to such large number of the foreign countries’ top officials, representatives of international business, scientific and public circles. Representatives of 65 countries visited the 5th Eastern Economic Forum. The ‘Far East Street’ exhibition is an opportunity for the regions to present their work on the socio-economic development of their territories, when governors and residents have a chance to show why they love their land, what they plan to do, and what prospects they see”, Yuri Trutnev noted earlier at a meeting with the heads of the regions.