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The Roscongress Foundation’s social platform Innosocium Foundation is launching its own Internet presence

10 March 2020
Фонд Инносоциум – социальная платформа Фонда Росконгресс – запускает собственное интернет-представительство

The website provides the most completion reflection of the Innosocium Foundation’s activities, which aim to establish and maintain a dialogue between business, government, and civil society on pressing social development issues.

In addition to ambitious activities at Roscongress Foundation’s main forums, which combine business programme sessions on specialized themes and the innovative Building Trust thematic platform in the social track, the website provides information about the Innosocium Foundation’s non-forum projects:

  • The Innosocium National Contest of Social Projects
  • The global platform of the Eurasian Women’s Forum
  • A working group on the development of creative industries and support for cultural and historical heritage projects
  • A platform for young entrepreneurs
  • The International Knowledge Sharing Week exchange programme

«The Innosocium Foundation has set the very ambitious goal of becoming one of the key partners of the state, NGOs, and business in implementing the country’s social development strategies and programmes, and it has the business, information, and communication capabilities of the Roscongress Foundation at its disposal based on which the new Foundation’s team needs to form its own pool of expertise and partnerships», Roscongress Foundation CEO Alexander Stuglev said.

Detailed information about all areas of the Foundation’s work, current project news, photobank materials, and contacts for cooperation as part of the social agenda can all be found on the website with its new design and sections.

The website is available at: