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Cultural Ties to Enhance Cooperation between Russia and the West

23 January 2020
Культурные связи России как диалог с Западом


Today, neither business nor economy can rely on the traditional channels of international communication. At times, culture can be more effective than politics and private enterprise.

«Building new bridges through culture and religion is possible and necessary,» Pinchas Goldschmidt, Chief Rabbi of Moscow; President, Conference of European Rabbis.

«Today, amidst many differences, bad relations, sanctions and counter-sanctions, building new bridges through culture, religion and politics is not only possible but necessary,» Pinchas Goldschmidt, Chief Rabbi of Moscow; President, Conference of European Rabbis.

«What can bridge Russia and the West? Shared values, such as philanthropy and the fight against racism. The day after tomorrow [24 January, — Ed.], the President of Russia together with leaders of the Western world will meet in Jerusalem to pay tribute to the victims of the Holocaust and the end of the Great Patriotic War 75 years ago. We need to unite behind our shared values of philanthropy and culture. We have not yet started, but it is time. As the Chief Rabbi of Moscow and the President of the Conference of European Rabbis, we need to come together for the good of mankind,» Pinchas Goldschmidt, Chief Rabbi of Moscow; President, Conference of European Rabbis.

«Politicians come and go, whereas people of culture are driven spiritually, they are immersed in it. Of course, culture brings people together, knocks down boundaries of understanding,» David Iakobachvili, President of Orion Heritage.

Promotion of Russia’s interests is possible through the development of a cultural agenda.

«Culture is the right framework for informal relationships. People coming to cultural events have the opportunity to communicate outside of their business and political settings while lobbying their interests,» Julia Morozova, General Director of Creative Production.

«Culture is omnipresent thus it is crucial to include it in the political agenda,» Natalia Kovalevskaya, Associate Professor, Saint Petersburg State University (Graduate School of Management of Saint Petersburg State University); Vice President for Development, Golden Mile GmbH; Professor, ESNU.

It is essential to include culture on the political agenda.

«There should be more cultural projects. <...> The more you bring, the more you get back,» David Iakobachvili, President of Orion Heritage.

The development of Russian cultural projects is most effective through advanced media.

«The time has come for Russia to be more culturally active, to share its values with the world through new digital technologies. The world needs our values, and we do not need cultural exchanges for this. There are a lot of communication channels that modern technology provides when contemporary Russian culture can become available to the world,» Andrey Kuzyaev, President, Chairman of the Management Board, Member of the Board of Directors of ER-Telecom Holding.


Replacing art with mass culture clichés

«Consumer culture has become prevalent,» Julia Morozova, General Director of Creative Production.

«Where will unified art take us? We will become exactly the same,» Julia Morozova, General Director of Creative Production.

The lack of relevance of contemporary Russian art projects on the international cultural arena

«The future generation will not perceive culture the way we do, but in the new historical, civilizational cycle of the digital world,» Natalia Kovalevskaya, Associate Professor, Saint Petersburg State University (Graduate School of Management of Saint Petersburg State University); Vice President for Development, Golden Mile GmbH; Professor, ESNU.

«Our art is still very classical whereas we need to advance and promote contemporary art,» Julia Morozova, General Director of Creative Production.


Prioritize classical culture and art

«Classical art should undoubtedly remain the trademark of the country», Julia Morozova, General Director of Creative Production.

«Put greater emphasis on the culture, because everything else becomes unified.» Julia Morozova, General Director of Creative Production.

The Russian language as a tool to promote our culture to the West

«Taking Russian idea, a Russian project to the world, we must consider what unites us <...> We have common language rules. This is the platform that unites us in this project. In this context, we should treasure the Russian language,» Natalia Kovalevskaya, Associate Professor, Saint Petersburg State University (Graduate School of Management of Saint Petersburg State University); Vice President for Development, Golden Mile GmbH; Professor, ESNU.

«Emigration needs a language. The influence of the Russian language on music, business, politics is huge», Pinchas Goldschmidt, Chief Rabbi of Moscow; President, Conference of European Rabbis.

«The more languages you know, the more civilized and prosperous you are. <...> Language is our culture and we must pass it over,» David Iakobachvili, President of Orion Heritage.

Adapt Russian cultural traditions to the new digital era

«We clearly need to digest this piece of the digital pie. Because if we do not, we are to remain on the side-lines,» Natalia Kovalevskaya, Associate Professor, Saint Petersburg State University (Graduate School of Management of Saint Petersburg State University); Vice President for Development, Golden Mile GmbH; Professor, ESNU.

«We need to contribute to the next generation, nurture the generation that will create the new era of greater trust, openness and cooperation,» Andrey Kuzyaev, President, Chairman of the Management Board, Member of the Board of Directors of ER-Telecom Holding.

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