The President of Russia Vladimir Putin approved a list
of instructions following the plenary meeting of the 5th Eastern Economic Forum
on 5 September 2019.
1. To the
Government of the Russian Federation:
a) to ensure
amendments to the legislation of the Russian Federation to provide subsidies to
bring mortgage interest rates to two percent for young families through to 1
January 2025 on the primary housing market of the Russian regions that are part
of the Far Eastern Federal District, or building a house on a land plot
provided under Federal Law No.119-FZ of 1 May 2016 On the special aspects of
providing citizens with state or municipal land plots in the Russian regions
that are a part of the Far Eastern Federal District, and on amendments to
certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation by allocating funds from
the state programme of the Russian Federation Social and Economic Development
of the Far Eastern Federal District and the joint-stock company Far East and
Baikal Region Development Fund.
Deadline: 15
December 2019;
b) to take steps towards updating the facilities and equipment of
cultural institutions in the Far Eastern Federal District, including museums,
theatres and libraries, with particular focus on small towns and rural areas.
Report back by 15 November 2019, then once every six months.
c) to additionally increase compensation payments up to 200 percent to
participants in the Country Doctor and Country Teacher programmes who have
moved to work in rural areas and small towns in the Far Eastern Federal
Deadline: 1 December 2019;
d) to increase targeted education quotas for residents of the Far
Eastern Federal District from the federal budget for specialities and
university degrees in high demand in the Russian Far East, specifying the list
of the regions where students will be employed under agreements for targeted
government-financed education.
Deadline: 1 December 2019;
e) to take steps to give airlines involved in low-cost
regional air transportation within the Far Eastern Federal District access
to international air services.
Deadline: 1 March 2020;
f) to submit proposals on the creation of a venture
fund in the Far Eastern Federal District to support
the development of local high-tech projects, taking into
consideration the existing development institutions and financial organizations.
Report back by 1 March 2020;
g) to submit
proposals on attracting investors in the development
of eco-tourism in the Far Eastern Federal District with strict
observance of regulations on protected natural territories.
Report back by 1 December 2019;
h) to ensure entries on the borders of protected natural territories of
the Far Eastern Federal District and the central ecological zone of the Baikal
Natural Area into the Unified State Register of Real Estate
Deadline: 1 July 2021.
Responsible: Dmitry Medvedev
2. The Ministry for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic,
along with the Healthcare Ministry and the Primorye Territory Administration
are to submit proposals with draft normative legal acts on the creation of a
medical services cluster in the Far Eastern Federal District, defining the
features of legal regulation of its operations as a specialized organization to
promote innovations in healthcare
Report back by 15 January 2020.
Responsible: Alexander Kozlov, Veronika Skvortsova, and Oleg Kozhemyako.