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Discussion topics announced for the Davos Russia House programme

25 December 2018
Определены темы дискуссий программы «Русского дома» в Давосе

The official website of the Davos Russia House project has posted the outline of its business programme.

The Roscongress Foundation project will take place at Switzerland’s Davos on 21–25 January 2019 to continue an established tradition of annual international meetings and a partnership dialog on the most important issues of the development of economic, cultural, scientific, and technology cooperation.

«The Russia House business programme has always changed dynamically in response to the global economic agenda. This year it includes some new areas related to implementation or artificial intelligence in urban spaces and how to accumulate the potential of seniors to make it part of society’s active resources,» said Anton Kobyakov, an adviser to the President of the Russian Federation.

Participants in the ‘Russia: DNA of a New Entrepreneur’ session will discuss issues facing modern enterprise in an era of global technological changes, and how to integrate Russian businesses into the modern global economy.

The ‘Digitally Transforming Cities: The Outlook for Introducing Artificial Intelligence to the Management of Municipal Processes and Procedures’ session will be dedicated to the development of the smart cities concept as well as the best practices of digital transformation of metropolitan areas.

As new technologies spread globally and change the way we live, work and interact with each other, the pace of innovation varies from country to country. Over the past decade, Russia’s development in areas such as e-commerce, mobile telephony or FinTech has been at least on par with that of developed nations — if not faster. Can Russia surpass developed markets in technological innovation? What sectors are best positioned to lead progress? Can sanctions hold back — or, alternatively, boost — the pace of Russia’s ongoing technological development? These and other questions will be on the agenda of the ‘Russia’s Economy — a Step Forward’ discussion.

The role of seniors in many aspects of society’s life both in Russia and in other developed nations is increasingly having an impact on the economy. The infrastructure and social institutions are changing to accommodate seniors. What governments and businesses must do to transform their institutions in order to adapt strategies for senior customers will be the subject of the ‘The Silver Economy — Realizing Potential for Economic Growth’ session.

Discussions as part of the ‘Private Corporations vs Cybercrime: Collaboration as the Key to Success’ session will focus of the issues of cyber security and related matters of cross-border collaboration and the development of international cooperation in a joint fight against global cybercrime.

A closed meeting of the Russia Foreign Investment Advisory Council is also scheduled as part of the business programme.

Renowned businesspeople and international experts have been invited to take part in the Davos Russia House business programme.