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EAWF Hosts The Exhibition ‘Made in Russia: Export by Women’

30 August 2018
На ЕЖФ откроется выставка «Сделано в России: экспорт женскими руками»

The Second Eurasian Women’s Forum is anticipated to become especially large-scale and representative. The business programme of the Forum includes more than fifty events. Representatives of international organisations, executive authorities, business and scientific communities, public organisations, women parliamentarians, leaders of charitable projects, reputable leaders of the international women’s movement from more than a hundred different countries of the world confirmed their participation.

Exhibition of women exporters’ projects ‘Made in Russia: Export by Women’ will add to the spirit of the business programme. Women leaders in a variety of export projects will present them at the exhibition. Jewellery, handmade clothing and accessories, confectionery from a chocolate atelier, powder coating equipment, medicines and medical services, drinks and honey with amber extract, as well as super-hydrophobic nanocoatings for clothing and footwear are among the most remarkable exhibits.

«Women’s entrepreneurship is a specific domain. In general, women entrepreneurs represent the SME segment, and this is usually the production of custom-made goods and services. Today, women’s entrepreneurship is essential to the world. Of course, the state must support them. After all, these are new jobs, development of social services, and additional opportunities for the local budget. However, women also represent big business. At times, business projects implemented by Russian women are worthy of admiration. Here it would be appropriate to talk about export opportunities. The REC sets up the most favourable conditions, developing new programs, initiatives and special systems for subsidising the costs for exporting entrepreneurs. Women exporters create a special export-focused realm in Russia,» said Vera Podguzova, managing director for external communications at the REC Group.

The Roscongress Foundation is the operator of the Forum. In line with an order issued by the Government of the Russian Federation, the Foundation was appointed the sole services provider of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for the organisation and running of the event.

The official website of the event: