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Yerevan to host discussions on building cooperation between Russian and Armenia in a digital economy

21 June 2018
В Ереване обсудят развитие сотрудничества России и Армении в условиях цифровой экономики

On 29 June 2018, Yerevan will host the 7th Russian-Armenian Interregional Forum. Entitled «Digital Initiatives by Russia and Armenia for the Implementation of the EAEU Digital Agenda,» the event aims to broaden trade and economic ties between the two countries’ regions in a growing digital economy. The forum is being jointly organized by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Development of the Republic of Armenia, with the support of the Roscongress Foundation. The forum’s key event will be the plenary session, attended by heads of appropriate ministries from Russia and Armenia; Member of the Board — Minister in Charge of Internal Markets, Information Support and Information and Communication Technologies of the Eurasian Economic Commission Karine Minasyan; and various Russian and Armenian regional heads. The session will see a range of bilateral documents signed to boost cooperation. The forum’s business programme will then continue with the fifth meeting of the joint working group on issues related to Russian-Armenian interregional cooperation — a body overseen by the Intergovernmental Commission on Economic Cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Armenia. A further five discussion-based events focusing on deepening relations between the two countries will also form part of the programme. A roundtable entitled «The Digital Agenda: A Regional Perspective» will examine the development of interregional cooperation, with consideration given to the competitive advantages offered in the regions; expanding ties in production and trade; implementing alternative payment methods and investments; legislative regulation of alternative investment mechanisms; use of the Platon toll system and GLONASS; and using blockchain technology to make payments. The session «Yerevan—Moscow: Smart Cities, Smart Solutions» will feature representatives of the Government of Moscow and Yerevan. Participants will discuss specific aspects related to using digital technologies in government administration; increasing administrative efficiency in various sectors of the urban economy, employing digital solutions to develop transport infrastructure; improving environmental conditions; saving energy; and improving public safety. «The Digitalization of the Agricultural Industry» is dedicated to activating Russian Armenian cooperation in the sphere; creating an environment conducive to sustainable economic growth; and increasing production efficiency through the use of digital solutions. Participants at the roundtable entitled «Developing the Tourism Industry in the Emerging Digital Economy» will discuss the tourism potential of the two countries’ regions; the influence of IT on the service and tourism industries; and opportunities to establish two-way tourist flows. «The Popularity of Social Networks and the Digital Space as a Factor Determining Youth Trends» will focus on Russian-Armenian cooperation in youth policy; interaction between youth organizations in the two countries; effective means of communication with young people online; developing parliamentarism, democracy, and civil society; and increasing the role played by young people in these processes. The forum will also have a networking area, helping entrepreneurs from Russia and Armenia to broaden business ties. Participation in the 7th Russian-Armenian Forum is free of charge. Registration is open via