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Evaluation of Access to Innovative Medical Technologies and Medicines for Patients in the Russian Federation

9 October 2020

The Evaluation of Access to Innovative Medical Technologies and Medicines for Patients in the Russian Federation study was conducted by the Social Mechanics Center for Humanitarian Technologies and Research at the request of the All-Russian Patient Union especially for the Patient-Oriented Innovation Forum.

The initiators of this research suggested that public patients` organisations, the nosologies of which include innovative medicines and technologies, should take part in it. In most cases, patients` organisations are created because of a single disease. Being immersed in the problem, patients` NPOs are usually highly informed about the problems of their disease, medical technologies and achievements in this field.

Experts of the All-Russian Patient Union and the Patient-Oriented Innovation Forum identified five areas for evaluation: medical technologies, products, medicines, therapeutic nutrition, digital technologies.

The expert online survey held from August 20 to September 2, 2020 involved 41 patients` organisations.

Research objectives:

· Assessment of availability of innovative medical and digital technologies, medical products and preparations, innovative therapeutic nutrition in Russia.

· Identification of barriers to medical innovation availability

· Collection of specific examples of innovations in medicine that are not available to patients in Russia.

For more information about construction as a sector with a sizeable share in many economies, rising level of digitalization, and shifts in consumer sentiment in real estate, please see the Digitalization, Entrepreneurship,Medicine, The National Project «Healthcare» and Healthcare.

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