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Emerging Pathways towards a Post-COVID-19 Reset and Recovery

20 August 2020
Новые пути к перезагрузке и восстановлению после пандемии COVID-19
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The World Economic Forum review dedicated to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economy of the future, as well as to the factors that will play a key role in economic development after the pandemic. The review answers to three key questions: what economic policy should be conducted to decrease social inequality and increase social mobility? What will be the new sources of economic growth? How success could be measured?

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17 May 2021
Technology and Innovation Report 2021

The report published by UNCTAD studies the impact of frontier technologies on countries depending on their incomes and level of development. The report covers 11 of such frontier technologies, i.e. key technologies of the future: artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, the Internet of things (IoT), 3D printing, blockchain, big data, 5G, gene editing, drones, etc.

20 May 2020
Tourism through the lens of drivers and barriers

The Center for Strategic Research (CSR) presents an in-depth study of business environment in the tourism industry. The publication reveals hidden barriers and potential drivers of growth, studies market sentiment, and suggests priority strategies.

21 May 2020
The Shape of the 'New Normal'. Informed perspectives from the World Energy Council global community

The World Energy Council published the survey results about perspectives on the long-term implications of COVID-19 and structural shifts that will shape the ‘new normal’ in a post-pandemic future. Energy development scenarios and mechanisms to adapt to unstable economic conditions — all of these issues will form part of the business programme at the World Energy Congress in St. Petersburg in 2022. The event is organized by the World Energy Council, the Russian National Committee of the World Energy Council and the Roscongress Foundation.

22 May 2020
How Yandex users react to the COVID-19 problem

The publication by Yandex looks at the reactions of Yandex users to the COVID-19 problem. The publication provides statistics for web search queries with a breakdown by cities of Russia, and some other data such as the share of news about the coronavirus in the total number of news.