Invest in Russia — invest in Russian regions!
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COVID-19: legal risks and recommendations for doing business. Part 3

Analytical digest
29 April 2020

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3 September 2020
COVID-19 Impact. 5F Approach for Telecoms: Keeping healthy while preparing for recovery and future growth

Arthur D. Little experts prepared a report on the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on telecommunications companies, the risks and opportunities of the current environment, as well as the main ways for telecom companies to get out of the crisis in order to achieve success in the new reality.

30 August 2021
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Russian E-Commerce Market

A study prepared by KPMG experts analyzed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Russian e-commerce market. The authors of the review conducted surveys and interviews with industry representatives and experts and tried to identify key trends, drivers and prospects for this activity.

Expert opinion
15 June 2020
“You should worry when technology advances too fast”

Nassim Taleb, Distinguished Professor of Risk Engineering, Polytechnic Faculty, NYU is best known as the author of the famous black swan theory, a metaphor that describes rare and unlikely events that have significant consequences. By the way, the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic is a classic black swan event. Two years ago, the American essayist and professor took part in the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, where he spoke at the Sberbank plenary session ‘Transitional World: What Will Tomorrow Bring?’

7 May 2020
Review of national economic measures taken worldwide amidst Covid-19

Economy in the era of pandemic: the Roscongress Foundation has prepared a review of national economic measures taken worldwide amidst Covid-19.