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Representatives of Nigeria and South Africa spoke about the significance of the Russia–Africa Economic Forum

Expert opinion
22 November 2019
Представители Нигерии и ЮАР о значении прошедшего Экономического форума Россия – Африка
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Participants in the Russia—Africa Forum (23–24 October 2019 in Sochi) believe that the event will result in the implementation of new serious projects in cooperation with Russia. The forum was considered a seminal and representative event. Joseph Pu, Advisor to the President of South Africa, said, «It is worth noting the large number of political leaders, entrepreneurs, and other interested African representatives who have come here to discuss economic issues. This is an unprecedented historical event.»

The present video was created with the support of TV BRICS.

TV BRICS Roscongress. Expert opinion
Prepared with the support of TV BRICS

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