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Representatives of Cameroon and Malawi on the prospects of cooperation with Russia

Expert opinion
21 November 2019
Представители Камеруна и Малави о перспективах сотрудничества с Россией
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On the sidelines of the Russia—Africa Economic Forum, the representatives of African countries discuss the opportunities resulting from greater cooperation with Russia. After the conclusion of the forum, its participants expressed the expectation of realizing industrial projects and developing trade relations.

The present video was created with the support of TV BRICS.

TV BRICS Roscongress. Expert opinion
Prepared with the support of TV BRICS

Anlytics on the topic

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30 August 2019
The Comprehensive Plan: Money, Constraints, Prospects

The study prepared by InfraONE Research, the analytical department of the investment company InfraONE, discusses the government’s plan to increase spending on infrastructure in the next six years, administrative and industry-related barriers that might hinder investment, and ways to overcome these barriers. The publication aims to inform market players and other stakeholders about the most pressing issues in infrastructure investment.