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Strategic Directions of the Formation and Development of Tourist-Recreational Zones in Russia

1 November 2019
Стратегические направления формирования и развития туристско-рекреационных зон в России
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Harnessing a hectare

How a tale of lost love became the start of one man’s life’s work.

20 May 2020
Tourism through the lens of drivers and barriers

The Center for Strategic Research (CSR) presents an in-depth study of business environment in the tourism industry. The publication reveals hidden barriers and potential drivers of growth, studies market sentiment, and suggests priority strategies.

1 February 2018
Hotels Managed by International Operators in Russia - 2018

EY presents an annual survey of hotels operating in Russia, which are managed by international operators.

18 January 2022
Russian-Finnish Cooperation in the Field of Sustainable Development in the Arctic Region 2021-2022

The report was prepared as a result of the event «Russian-Finnish Cooperation in the Field of Sustainable Development in the Arctic Region» as part of the ThinkArctic Project, organized by the Roscongress Foundation, the Center for Comprehensive European and International Studies, and the Analytical Center for the Government of the Russian Federation.