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Outstanding quotes from EEF 2019 on international cooperation

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20 September 2019
Яркие цитаты ВЭФ о международном сотрудничестве
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31 October 2019
Current Perspectives for the Formation of International Energy Markets

The current perspectives for the formation of international energy markets are mainly due to the policy of decarbonization of world energy and the growth of energy consumption. Each country forms its energy policy based on its own fuel and energy potential and the situation on international energy markets. The global oil market is currently largely dependent on global processes with a high degree of ‘uncertainty" associated with the use of protectionist and political methods of struggle in the global world economy. «Trade wars», and sanctions increase the uncertainty of the market for the «global» energy resource — oil. The global market for «alternative» energy and technology in this area is much more defined and predictable. The introduction of «platform» economy methods in the energy sector, in combination with the macroregional form of organization of energy markets, will reduce uncertainty factors by avoiding protectionist methods, including sanctions methods, leaving them behind the «perimeter» of macroregional borders.

30 August 2021
Ranking of Regions of Far Eastern Federal District by Financial Sustainability

The study prepared by Analytical Credit Rating Agency (ACRA) analyzed the financial stability of regions of Far Eastern Federal District.

30 August 2019
Far East Federal District - long-term debt financing needed

In anticipation of the Eastern Economic Forum — 2019, ACRA and Roscongress Foundation has come up with a research on possible sources of financing for the regions of the Far Eastern Federal District.