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Alexander Ivlev: Concerning China’s plans to build the logistic and economic system of the Belt and Road Initiative and Russia’s role in this project

Expert opinion
6 September 2019
Александр Ивлев: О планах Китая по построению логистической и экономической системы «Один пояс – один путь» и роли России в этом проекте
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Alexander Ivlev, Managing Partner, EY for CIS countries

Concerning China’s plans to build the logistic and economic system of the Belt and Road Initiative and Russia’s role in this project.

As of April 2019, China’s Belt and Road Initiative had encompassed 125 countries with 1,000 projects worth nearly USD 4 trillion.

More detailed information about the speaker is available in the ROSCONGRESS.ORG Information and Analytical System:

TV BRICS Roscongress. Expert opinion
Prepared with the support of TV BRICS

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