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Green Pipes for Humanit

29 August 2019
Зеленая труба человека
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Focus on Innovation

TMK is a global leader in manufacturing pipe products for oil and gas companies. Last year, the company produced 4 million tonnes of pipes and premium connections that are used in oil and gas fields with difficult drilling conditions, including offshore, the deep sea, and the Arctic. Today, TMK has dozens of production sites located in Russia, the USA, Canada, Romania, and Kazakhstan. The company’s key products are threaded oil and gas pipes, which are shipped to more than 80 countries around the world. In addition, TMK provides an extensive package of services in heat treatment, protective coating, premium connections threading, warehousing, and pipe repair.

TMK does not only manufacture products — the company is constantly developing new offerings thanks to its vast R&D capabilities. The development and improvement of pipe products along with scientific research and testing are mainly carried out by the Russian Research Institute of the Pipe and Tube Industry (RosNITI) in Chelyabinsk, which belongs to TMK. In the third quarter of 2019, a new TMK R&D centre will be opened in Skolkovo, which will be the company’s base for creating new types of pipes and related products as well as for conducting large-scale studies in the metallurgy sector and other industries.

Latest production

In the modern world, metallurgy must be environmentally responsible. TMK is highly focused on sustainable development and is successfully reducing its industrial environmental footprint. The company’s production sites today are state-of-the-art facilities on a global level. This is a result of the upgrade carried out in 2006–2014, during which all the steelmaking facilities were modernized, with obsolete open- hearth furnaces replaced with more environmentally-friendly electric ones. Modern continuous casting machines were also installed and put into operation. For this purpose, the company rose more than RUB 160 billion in investments.

Replacement of obsolete equipment resulted in the introduction of cutting-edge technologies. Installation of modern gas cleaning systems with an efficiency level of 98% led to the reduction of production emissions and the air in the factories and surrounding urban areas is now notably cleaner. Water treatment systems have been improved, and additional recycled water supply systems were introduced. With increased production volumes, there has been a reduction in energy and water consumption.

Social support

Another priority for the company is social and charitable projects. TMK supports many cultural, charitable and sporting initiatives. The company has a stake in providing the best conditions for both its employees and their families, as well as for the people living in the cities where its plants operate.

TMK’s charitable projects are implemented both via the Sinara Corporate Charity Foundation and directly by the plants. For many years the company and Foundation have been implementing a career guidance project called Foothold. Last year, more than 4,000 high school students from 85 schools took part in the project with more than 1,000 events held.

TMK supports amateur teams in various sports at its production facilities

TMK is implementing a multi-year project called Corporate Citizenship through which funds are donated for children with serious blood disorders. The company’s Russian plants regularly conduct volunteer campaigns and provide assistance to veteran organizations, child care facilities, and medical institutions. TMK also supports the cities in which it operates — it is actively involved in urban renewal, landscaping and other projects designed to improve the quality of life of local residents.

TMK pays special attention to the promotion of a healthy lifestyle via its support for sporting events and organizations. The company supports the Russian Ski-Jumping and Nordic Combined Federation, the Russian Olympians Foundation, FC Ural Yekaterinburg from the Russian Premier League, the Sinara futsal club (also from Yekaterinburg) and many other sporting organizations. TMK also promotes sport among its employees by supporting its plants’ amateur child, youth and adult teams in various sports.

Pipes should not only be durable. TMK is doing everything to ensure that their production does not harm the environment, and company employees and local residents can look to tomorrow with confidence.

Together with the Sinara charity foundation, the company runs a career guidance project, Bearing Point

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