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Social initiatives are on the agenda

29 August 2019
«Социальные инициативы вошли в повестку дня». Лидеры филантропии о сотрудничестве с фондом «Инносоциум»
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The Innosocium foundation for the promotion of social development was created as part of the Roscongress foundation social platform in spring of this year to provide systemic, multidimensional support in addressing Russian social development objectives and to create a bridge between non-profit organizations and the business sector.

Mikhail Kotyukov,
Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation

The Innosocium National Social Projects Contest, implemented with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, is a wonderful tradition that has given birth to a number of interesting joint projects. The contest highlights topical issues: the development of an inclusive society and social responsibility and the preservation of cultural values. We think it is impor- tant to support this new initiative, given that it involves the youth, facilitates the development of leadership and independ- ent project planning skills, fosters social responsibility, and allows participants to share their experiences. The first winners have already had the chance to present their projects at SPIEF 2019, which is a big deal for their careers. It’s important to expand the use of these approaches and implement them on a massive scale to give a good head start to as many young people from as large a variety of Russian regions as possible.

The development of an effective social ecosystem in Russia and the implementation of social innovations is only possible as part of a multilateral dialogue between representatives of the government, busi- ness circles, non-profit organizations, and other social institutions. The Innosocium Foundation is actively supporting and de- veloping these efforts. The main objectives of the collaboration between the Minis- try and the Foundation is creating social elevators for talented young people and supporting the implementation of socially meaningful innovative projects.

Galina Karelova,
Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

Cooperation between the Council of the Eurasian Women’s Forum of the Federa- tion Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the Innosocium Foundation to develop women’s agenda is focused on increasing the role of women in the socio-economic development of the country and strengthening international cooperation. We have a shared understand- ing of the key priorities and, most impor- tantly, a willingness to work together to more actively involve women leaders in economic and social processes.

The new role of women in strength- ening peace and security and addressing important socio-economic and humani- tarian issues has become evident notably in response to the modern challenges of the 21st century. As such, the creation of a project to develop the women’s agen- da in Eurasia is especially relevant. As part of the Building Trust programme, we developed and launched the Eurasian Women’s Forum visiting reception, which successfully debuted at the SPIEF 2019 sidelines. Moreover, in the interest of advancing the global agenda, we sup- port the participation of Russian women representatives in key international events and forums. Deputy CEO of the Roscon- gress Foundation, Director of the Inno- socium Foundation, and member of the EWF Council Elena Marinina and Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI) Corporate Director Elena Myakotnikova took part in W20 and Women’s Forum Kyoto in Japan. The two events resulted in the signing of a document that was presented to Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe for inclusion in the G20 Summit agenda.

I am certain that consolidation of efforts of the Eurasian Women’s Forum and the Innosocium Foundation will facilitate women’s effective involvement in implementation of socially important initiatives and development of interna- tional cooperation.

Svetlana Chupsheva,
Chief Executive Officer of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives

Joining the Innosocium Foundation Board of Trustees was a logical extension of our cooperation. At SPIEF 2019, we signed an agreement related to the development of social projects and in- novations, as well as women’s and youth entrepreneurship and are already work- ing in these areas together. We decided to pay particular attention to the youth movement, given that the youth are a strategic resource for the continued de- velopment of the country at large. This is why we think it is very important that, in addition to its forum activities, the In- nosocium Foundation actively develops its student-focused initiative — the Inno- socium National Social Projects Contest, which aims to focus the youth’s attention on topical, socially significant issues and the search for new communicative ideas to address them.

Since its creation, the Innosocium Foundation has been able to not only create a stable platform for the support of Roscongress Foundation social initi- atives, but also to lay the foundation for the creation of a social ecosystem aimed at helping advance socially meaningful projects and develop a culture of social inclusion in Russia.

We think it is important to support this new initiative, given that it involves the youth, facilitates the development of leadership and independent project planning skills, fosters social responsibility

Elena Marinina,
Roscongress Foundation Deputy CEO and Director of the Innosocium Foundation

The Foundation’s priorities are integrat- ing the social agenda into the Roscongress Foundation’s major forums and promoting this theme among young people. At major forums, we develop the social agenda by way of business programme sessions, exhibition activity, and expert discussions at the Building Trust Area’s communication platform. Our other major project is the Innosocium National Social Projects Contest. In the new season, we will launch an updated educational format for student meetings called Lektorium, also with a regional focus.

The Innosocium Foundation actively supports other initiatives, such as the de- velopment of women’s leadership, youth entrepreneurship, education, and the implementation of social, philanthropic, and cultural projects. At SPIEF 2019, we signed eight new cooperation agree- ments and have already begun charting a roadmap for joint projects with our part- ners. Due to the new business network- ing formats, partners’ interest for our events and activities has increased, which serves for us as an additional incentive to further develop all Innosocium Founda- tion’s areas of focus.

At major forums, we develop the social agenda by way of business programme sessions, exhibition activity, and expert discussions at the Building Trust Area’s communication platform

Ilya Chukalin,
CEO of the Presidential Grants Foundation

At SPIEF 2018, we presented eight social projects that were awarded presidential grants; and at SPIEF 2019, we presented 18 such projects. Thanks to cooperation between the Presidential Grants Foun- dation and the Innosocium Foundation, Russian non-profit organizations’ social and cultural initiatives have made it onto the agenda of the country’s key economic forums. Representatives of non-profit or- ganizations rarely have the opportunity to talk with leading businessmen and govern- ment officials. Such events give them the opportunity to build useful contacts and gain knowledge.

As part of our further cooperation, the Innosocium Foundation has taken ten projects under its wing; it will help them to promote and establish connections with potential business partners. We plan not only to sign a cooperation agreement at EEF 2019, but also to grant the Building Trust Area’s Zero Day to representatives of non-profit organizations. There are currently almost 230 social and cultural projects being implemented in Far Eastern regions that have received presidential grants. Another approximately 270 such projects have been successfully completed. At EEF 2019, the Presidential Grants Foundation will present initiatives that have had a significant positive impact on life in the FEFD. For six competitions, held by the Presidential Grants Foundation, 3,045 projects were submitted by non-profit organizations from the Far Eastern Federal District. During five of those competitions (the results of the sixth will be released in October 2019), 508 initiatives were sup- ported with a total of RUB 798 million.

This year an interforum inotiative by the Innosocium Foundation and the Russian Donors Forum was born: a foresight session where 50 leading experts, leaders of modern philanthropy

Aleksandra Boldyreva,
Executive Director of Russian Donors Forum

The Russian Donors Forum is Russia’s only association of foundations and companies that are consistently involved in philanthropy. This is the second year that we have worked with the Innosocium Foundation, making sure that major Roscongress Foundation forums feature discussions on various aspects of philanthropy, including digitalization and involving new generations.

The topic of philanthropy is unique. It can be discussed and presented from completely different angles. For example, our ‘Objective Charity’ photo exhibition presented the most vivid photo stories describing activities of foundations and companies. In 2018, this exhibition was the central cultural event of the Russia House in Davos. In the new contest sea- son, the Innosocium Foundation established its own category ‘Inclusion through the Prism of Art’ for photo stories about the development of an inclusive society.

The participation of the Russian Donors Forum experts in the Innosocium contest gave us a clear understanding of which social topics and technologies are interesting for the youth. The philan- thropic society should not only be proud of their achievements, but also be actively preparing for future challenges. This year an interforum initiative by the Innosocium Foundation and the Russian Donors Forum was born: a foresight session where 50 leading experts, leaders of modern philanthropy, were seeking for answers to the question: how the philanthropy of tomorrow looks like.

Following the results of this work at EEF 2019, we will organize a joint session dedicated to the future of philanthropy and the question of whether this future will be technological, systemic, or infor- mal? We plan to discuss trends that have already been identified or are just visionaries’ predictions: the renewal and enrichment of professional philanthropy, sector diversification, and digital transformation. Currently, public organizations have started using blockchain and AI in their day- to-day work, which is extremely prom- ising for development of the non-profit organizations that will implement digital technologies. However, this raises the issue of whether the philanthropic sector will change to meet this new reality or if it will take on the role of a driver of social innovation and positive change?

There are currently almost 230 social and cultural projects being implemented in Far Eastern regions that have received presidential grants

The Innosocium foundation aids the development of women’s leadership. Pictured: participants in the Visiting Reception of the Eurasian Women’s Forum at SPIEF 2019

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