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Talking Barents: Prospects and Formats for Cooperation. Key Quotes

Expert opinion
10 April 2019
Talking Barents: перспективы и форматы сотрудничества. Ключевые цитаты
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Expert opinion
26 November 2021
The Northern Sea Route: Boundaries and Opportunities

Summary session «Northern Sea Route — Bounds and Opportunities» within the framework of the Arctic Talent Acquisition Conference, which took place on November 15-16, 2021 in Arkhangelsk.

4 September 2022
National Infrastructure Projects Pipeline 2022

In this publication InfraOne Research examines infrastructure projects from the National Infrastructure Projects Pipeline in the context of the current geopolitical and economic instability, the restrictions and the sanctions, and the repercussions of the pandemic.

30 August 2019
The Comprehensive Plan: Money, Constraints, Prospects

The study prepared by InfraONE Research, the analytical department of the investment company InfraONE, discusses the government’s plan to increase spending on infrastructure in the next six years, administrative and industry-related barriers that might hinder investment, and ways to overcome these barriers. The publication aims to inform market players and other stakeholders about the most pressing issues in infrastructure investment.