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2nd Northern Forum Governors’ Meeting. Key Quotes

Expert opinion
10 April 2019
II Встреча губернаторов Северного форума. Ключевые цитаты
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Expert opinion
22 May 2018
Trade war haunts the global economy

As the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum approaches, Chairman of the Board at Banca Intesa and President of the Conoscere Eurasia Association Antonio Fallico talks about areas of Russian—Italian economic cooperation, the spectre of a trade war, and his views on cryptocurrencies.

Analytical digest
26 March 2019
Business Guide. National Technology Initiative
This specialist supplement to Kommersant was published jointly by the Kommersant Publishing House and the Russian Venture Company (RVC). The supplement assesses the progress of the National Technology Initiative in Russia and summarizes interim results produced by technological innovations.
7 May 2020
Review of national economic measures taken worldwide amidst Covid-19

Economy in the era of pandemic: the Roscongress Foundation has prepared a review of national economic measures taken worldwide amidst Covid-19.

14 February 2019
12 Solutions for New Education

This report, prepared jointly by the Center for Strategic Research and the Higher School of Economics, identifies opportunities and proposes definite solutions for dramatically increasing the contribution of Russia’s educational system to economic growth, technological modernization, social stability, and the country’s global position.