Invest in Russia — invest in Russian regions!
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7 August 2017
Азиатские игроки в Арктике: интересы, возможности, перспективы
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2 July 2020
Arctic Sea Ice in CMIP6

This paper examines Arctic sea-ice simulations generated by the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6) which makes it possible to model future evolution of the sea-ice cover in the Arctic.

5 April 2019
Medium-Tonnage LNG in Russia: Up in the Air

The publication by the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO reviews foreign experience with medium-tonnage LNG projects and evaluates the potential for their development in Russia. Also, the authors discuss the prospects and necessary conditions for the development of the domestic LNG market and exports of medium-tonnage LNG.

24 September 2020
The future of Arctic security. The geopolitical pressure cooker and the consequences for the Netherlands

In their report, specialists of Clingendael Institute have analyzed the Arctic region in terms of interconnection between climate changes and geopolitical context of security and further development of the Arctic region.