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The national projects are being implemented following the President’s Executive Order No. 204 dated May 7, 2018 On National Goals and Strategic Objectives of the Russian Federation through to 2024 with the aim of achieving breakthroughs in science and technology and socioeconomic development in the Russian Federation, increasing the country’s population, improving the living standards and conditions of the citizens, and creating an environment and opportunities for all to fulfil their potential. The national projects also provide entrepreneurs with information on the government’s planned actions, areas of attention, and investment targets, and on the conditions which are likely to be created for private-sector initiative.

The infographics in the report are based on the passports of the national projects approved by the Presidium of the Presidential Council for Strategic Development and National Projects on December 24, 2018. The publication presents the main targets and the expected results of the projects in a brief and easy-to-follow format. The 12 projects are: Healthcare, Education, Demography, Culture, Safe and High-Quality Motorways, Residential Housing and Urban Environment, Environment, Research, Small and Medium-Sized Businesses and Support for Individual Entrepreneurs, Digital Economy, Labor Productivity and Employment Support, International Cooperation and Exports. The publication also contains key information about the structure, targets, and expected results of the Comprehensive Plan for upgrading and expanding core infrastructure up to 2024.

According to the data published in the report, the government is planning to spend 25.7 trillion rubles on the national projects. Of these, 13.158 trillion will come from the federal budget, 7.515 trillion from extra-budgetary sources, 4.9 trillion from regional budgets, and 147.8 billion from state non-budgetary funds. The greatest share of the funds (6.348 trillion rubles) will be invested in modernizing and expanding trunk road infrastructure. The Safe and High-Quality Roads project will require 4.779 trillion rubles. Next, by the volume of planned investments, come the Environment project (4.041 trillion rubles) and Demography (3.105). By the number of federal projects, the leaders are Environment (11 projects), the Comprehensive Plan (11 projects), and Education (10 projects).

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30 August 2019

This flagship report by the United Nations Environment Programme reviews the current state of the global environment, depicts possible future trends, assesses the effectiveness of current environmental policies, and stresses the need to take urgent action in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

23 November 2018
Stressful scenarios are becoming more likely for the Russian economy

In light of recent events, the Analytical Credit Rating Agency (ACRA) has published Russia 2022 Economic Outlook Update — a revised forecast for the development of Russia’s economy, presented in the form of three scenarios shaped by external and internal factors.