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1 August 2017
Экономическое развитие Евразийского экономического союза и государств-членов в 2016 году: международные рейтинги
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14 December 2018
EAEU’s Trade and Geopolitics in a Global Scenario in Transition

On the threshold of the XI Eurasian Economic Forum in Verona, the banking group Intesa Sanpaolo prepared a report describing the current internal and external links in trade, investment, and geopolitics of the EAEU and giving a detailed analysis of the trade relations between Italy and the EAEU in the current global context.

12 December 2022
War and Interest Rates

Analytical report by Credit Suisse on the causes of high inflation in Western economies and the prospects for its reduction.

6 February 2018
Russia and the World: 2018

The Report Russia and the World: 2018 continues the series of yearly publications by the RAS Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO) and the Foundation for Prospective Studies and Initiatives. The annual Report consists of two parts dedicated to the economy (part I) and the foreign policy (part II).