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Russian Healthcare in New Economic Conditions: Challenges and Prospects

17 September 2018
Российское здравоохранение в новых экономических условиях: вызовы и перспективы
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This report by the Higher School of Economics analyzes issues related to reaching large-scale targets like lowering the level of mortality and increasing remuneration for medical staff in the context of reduced state funding. This requires massive changes in the system of providing medical assistance and in the mechanisms of funding. Finding an adequate response to this challenge currently seems unlikely.

A separate chapter of the report reviews and analyzes the required priorities of state policy in healthcare in the context of an economic crisis and in the post-crisis period. The greatest scrutiny is given to raising the availability and quality of primary medical care services, expanding the range of free medications in outpatient care, and developing a system of healthcare financing on an insurance basis.

According to HSE experts, state policy in healthcare in the nearest years should be oriented towards strengthening the system of primary medical care and raising the competence, social status, and motivation of medical staff. This will contribute to an effective use of resources to a far greater degree than closing hospitals, reducing their capacity, or other optimization steps. Funding policy in healthcare should be targeted at ensuring maximum stability of funding for medical institutions and high transparency of resources distribution.

This publication has been posted in the Roscongress Information and Analytical System on the recommendation of the Roscongress Foundation expert community.

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