Invest in Russia — invest in Russian regions!
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17 January 2023
Парадокс: потолок цен на нефть как фактор их роста
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14 February 2019
New Projects in Russian Petrochemical Industry

The PwC experts have produced an extensive study which aims to reveal how new projects are likely to affect Russian and global markets of large-tonnage polymers.

4 September 2022
A New Era for Fuel Retailers

The report by BCG studies the current trends in fuel retail and the strategies fuel retailers will need to implement promptly to survive and thrive under the monumental threats they face.

6 February 2018
Russia and the World: 2018

The Report Russia and the World: 2018 continues the series of yearly publications by the RAS Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO) and the Foundation for Prospective Studies and Initiatives. The annual Report consists of two parts dedicated to the economy (part I) and the foreign policy (part II).