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It’s up to each person to find something that all humanity has in its soul

Expert opinion
28 May 2018
«Каждый сам должен найти свое предназначение»
Release date

Marco Tronchetti Provera, CEO Pirelli & C SpA, Exclusively for SPIEF

Which innovations are a priority for the world today?

The one most needed would be the application of integrated Artificial Intelligence to the most advanced health research centres. Such a connected health system would maximize the outcomes in favour of all people suffering from major illnesses.

On what should world leaders agree?

They should all back the empowerment of multi-lateral bodies to guarantee balanced global growth.

What is your economic outlook for 2030?

That forecast is linked to the decisions of the global leadership who, more and more, hold the future of the world in their hands.

What advice do you have for entrepreneurs today?

Do your job! Be passionate! And stimulate the main decision makers to support actions for balanced global growth.

What is the purpose of life?

That is something that all humanity has in its soul. And it’s up to each person to find it.

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