Invest in Russia — invest in Russian regions!
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17 May 2017

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13 November 2020
Recommendations on Tourism and Rural Development

The UNWTO Recommendations on Tourism and Rural Development aim to support governments at various levels, as well as the private sector and the international community developing tourism in rural territories in a way that contributes to inclusive, sustainable and resilient development.

30 August 2021
Pursuing excellence: What’s next for finance in healthcare?

The research, prepared by consulting firm Arthur D. Little, examines the current healthcare financing challenges and identifies the role of a Center of Excellence (CoE) in determining the value of healthcare.

Analytical digest
22 October 2019
Russia and Africa: Long-Term Partnership in Trade and Economy

The report prepared by the Roscongress Foundation in collaboration with the International Trade and Integration Research Center (ITI) specially for the first Russia—Africa Economic Forum gives an overview of Africa’s role in global economy and of the trade relations between Russia and Africa.

30 March 2018
Great Expectations: M&A Deals Making in the Renewable Energy Sector

Who uses opportunities provided by renewable energy? Who is disconcerted and preoccupied with inherent risks? The report is prepared following the survey of over 200 reputable investors.