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Pursuing excellence: What’s next for finance in healthcare?

30 August 2021
В поисках совершенства: что ждёт финансирование здравоохранения?
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The research, prepared by consulting firm Arthur D. Little, examines the current healthcare financing challenges and identifies the role of a Center of Excellence (CoE) in determining the value of healthcare.

Roscongress Foundation analysts highlighted the main theses of this research, accompanying each of them with suitable fragments of video broadcasts of the panel discussions held as part of business programs of the key events hosted by the Foundation.

Improving healthcare concerns both medical care and its financial side.

Today, optimization of the cost of medical services while improving their results is a priority task for healthcare organizations. To address this, healthcare providers must improve their processes and delivery methods, resulting in improved patient health outcomes and, to some extent, cost structures. In addition, healthcare organizations should strive to upgrade the operational component of service delivery, in particular, by improving financial analysis, reporting and the system for managing resources for medical care.


Centers of excellence in healthcare financing as a pathway for healthcare development.

Excellence is a culture of high standard in performing routine tasks. Determining the best process to achieve a desired result, and then reproducing it where it is necessary to achieve this result, is the main way to perform operations in the best possible manner. The optimal solution is to assign the function of identifying and disseminating best practices to a separate institution, within which all possible theoretical and methodological approaches to solving urgent problems can be considered. Centers of Excellence (CoE) are organizations created with the aim of concentrating accumulated experience and developing competencies. With the right course and structure, CoE in healthcare financing can be an effective means of improving operations and increasing the value of care for national health systems. The focus on excellence in healthcare financing is amplified by the growing demands of the healthcare system for innovation, flexibility, sustainability and integration.


It is necessary to reconsider the ways to determine the cost of medical services.

Currently, the cost of most functions is estimated at the cost of their implementation, however, considering the cost of an individual function in terms of its value can bring significant benefits to health systems, since value is more fundamental, especially where resource constraints dictate the need to optimize treatment pathways. The classic economic definition, given by Harvard Business School professor Michael Porter, describes value as the ratio of results to costs. CoE, as competency leaders, can shift the focus of health system leaders from the cost of performing a function to assessing its value, which is a more complex task and subject of scientific debate.


See other materials posted in the sections of the Roscongress Information and Analytical System: Healthcare, Medicine, Level and Quality of Life, dedicated to the development of medicine and healthcare.

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