All support measures of the region Kemerovo Region

priority investment project

Main measure of support
Preferential tax rates: 1. Income tax 13.5%; 2. Income tax with the simplified tax system 5%; 3. Property tax 0%.

Terms of support

Inclusion in the List of investment / innovation projects / producers; The residual value of fixed assets is not less than 70%; At least 70% of the income from the project.

Support restrictions

Only for entities included in the List of priority investment projects of the Kemerovo region - Kuzbass / List of producers of the Kemerovo region - Kuzbass. The List does not include investment projects in the areas of mining (except for the extraction of natural gas and gas condensate);wholesale and retail trade (except for investment projects aimed at the construction of logistics supply centers); repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles; repair of computers, personal items and household supplies; financial and insurance activities; real estate operations; administrative and related additional services; professional, scientific and technical activities.
Type of instrument
Tax incentives
Duration of support
Kemerovo Region
Body providing support
Authority Department of investment policy of Kuzbass
Recipients of support
  • Micro enterprise (business)
  • Small enterprise (business)
  • Medium enterprise (business)
  • Large enterprise (business)
  • Individual entrepreneur
  • Exporter
  • Innovator (start-up)
  • Investor
  • Farm (peasant) economy

List of documents required to receive support

Copies of constituent documents.
Copies of documents confirming the authority of the head.
Business plan.
Conclusion of structural units of the Administration of the Government of Kuzbass or other executive bodies of state power.
Information on previously provided state support - forms, terms, goals and conditions of provision.
Copies of balance sheets and their annexes for the previous year and previous quarters of the current year with a tax inspection mark.
Certificate from the tax authority on the status of settlements on taxes, fees, penalties and fines received no earlier than ten days before the day of application.
Certificate of the average number of employees and average wages for the past reporting period, certified by the signature of the head and seal of the subject of investment activity.

Regulatory document

The Law of the Kemerovo Region dated November 26, 2008 N 101-ОЗ (as amended on October 6, 2017) "On tax incentives for investment, innovation and production entities, management organizations of technology parks, basic organizations of technology parks, residents of technology parks, management companies of economic favor zones, and participants in zones economic favors and residents of territories of priority social and economic development "
The Law of the Kemerovo Region dated November 26, 2008 N 102-OZ (as amended on March 21, 2018) "On State Support of Investment, Innovation and Production Activities in the Kemerovo Region"