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SPIEF 2021 Strategic Partner Rosseti to Share Performance Record Under COVID-19

18 May 2021
«Россети» выступят стратегическим партнером ПМЭФ-2021 и представят опыт работы в условиях пандемии COVID-19

Rosseti will talk about managing the Russian power grid in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the shaping of a new economic reality as part of the SPIEF 2021 business programme. A number of agreements aimed at improving the efficiency and technological development of the industry is planned to be signed at the Forum. In addition, the company will ensure reliable power supply to the Forum venue.

Rosseti was among the first Russian corporations to implement a set of measures to counter the spread of the coronavirus in March 2020. Despite continuous production, at the peak of the pandemic as many employees as possible and 100% of customer service centres switched to remote work. At the same time, Rosseti ensures the reliability and quality of electricity supply services, implemented measures ahead of schedule to prepare for the peak load period in autumn and winter, and continued to implement investment programme projects worth RUB 283.3 billion total.

At the SPIEF 2021 panel session entitled ‘Challenges and Opportunities for the Global Power Sector in a New Era’, Rosseti CEO Andrey Ryumin will share the company’s performance during the pandemic, as well as its short-term tasks and strategic priorities. At the exhibition, Rosseti will present its key facilities in the regions where it operates.

Rosseti is also implementing a set of measures to improve power supply reliability and ensure the anti-terrorist protection of its power facilities during SPIEF 2021 and preparation for it. About 600 people and 150 vehicles and special equipment will be involved in the ‘intensified’ operation scheme. Diesel generator units and uninterruptible power sources will be provided to create a reserve. Power supply schemes for the city’s transport infrastructure, key attractions, and residences of official delegations are being prepared.

In order to coordinate efforts of St. Petersburg organizations and agencies and ensure a reliable power supply to the Forum, SPIEF 2021 Situation and Analysis Centre will operate round the clock through the support from Rosseti (from 31 May to 6 June 2021).

«Rosseti is a Strategic Partner of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. Its scope includes design, construction, wiring, equipment supply, and operation of temporary power grid at SPIEF 2021 venues. Being an active participant of the Forum business programme, Rosseti will present its performance record during the pandemic. The company has transformed its business processes in a smart and timely fashion, which helped it keep its efficiency stable during this difficult time,» noted Anton Kobyakov, Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation and Executive Secretary of the SPIEF Organizing Committee.

«The COVID-19 pandemic has stress tested the parts of the infrastructure the whole country’s economy relies on. Rosseti managed to overcome the fact-based difficulties, ensured a reliable power supply to consumers, and retained a high growth rate. Now, we are facing challenges related to the restoring of the economy and new ambitious tasks, as well as potential additional growth points. We hope that SPIEF 2021 will help us check ourselves against our colleagues and find answers to the relevant questions on the energy industry agenda,» said CEO of Rosseti Andrey Ryumin.