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Official WEF programme sessions set to be held at Russia House in Davos for the first time

18 December 2019
В «Русском доме» в Давосе впервые пройдут сессии официальной программы WEF

Following the meeting which took place as part of the St. Petersburg Economic Forum (SPIEF) 2020 session in Doha (Qatar), Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of the Roscongress Foundation Alexander Stuglev made an agreement with President of the World Economic Forum Børge Brende to hold joint events on the Russia House platform in Davos.

«Russia House has proved itself to be an effective platform for working and meetings, as well as for promoting Russia’s interests in the world. According to the Forum participants, it is one of the most used communication platforms in Davos, which helps build a constructive and effective dialogue among international experts,» noted Adviser to the President of the Russian Federation Anton Kobyakov.

This year for the first time the Russian residence will host joint events of the Roscongress Foundation and the World Economic Forum. The sessions will be dedicated to such relevant topics as cooperation between Russia and European countries, national strategies to develop artificial intelligence, and quantum technologies.

«It is not the first year that Russia House has received positive reviews, both from representatives of official delegations and the business community that traditionally meet in Davos. For us, as the organizers, it is a seal of quality. Every year, Roscongress Foundation experts organize a multiple-day business programme specifically for Russia House, with topics covering many sectors and relevant issues on both the global and Russian agenda. As part of the cooperation agreement, this year the Roscongress Foundation and the World Economic Forum are developing a new format of joint events,» said Chairman of the Board and CEO of the Roscongress Foundation Alexander Stuglev.

Doors to Russia House will be open on 20–24 January 2020. The platform will once again put guests in touch with business opportunities in Russia and investment projects, as well as demonstrate the richness of Russian culture and traditions on the global stage.