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Best Projects of the RAISE Nationwide Accelerator of Social Initiatives Awarded in Moscow

29 April 2019
В Москве наградили лучшие социальные проекты Всероссийского Акселератора социальных инициатив RAISE

The RAISE Nationwide Accelerator of Social Initiatives presented student projects of social entrepreneurship in the building of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Moscow. The main criteria for the projects’ evaluation are the degree of elaboration and relevance of the problem being solved, the depth of analysis of the competitive environment, the effectiveness of the proposed solutions, and the feasibility of a project for the well-being of the target audience. The representatives of government agencies and businesses, including the heads of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, the Presidential Grants Foundation, the Roscongress Foundation, the Presidential Directorate for Social Projects, the Bank of Russia, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council make up the jury of the competition.

The Urals Institute of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration gained the first place with the ‘People’, ‘Here is the Bliss’ and ‘Helfer’ projects. Students of the Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology with the ‘Magic Within Me’ project are the second best. The third place went to the team of Stolypin Volga Region Institute of Administration and the HACKERUnet’s information security project ‘Offline,’ the ‘Pravoznayka’ project and the ‘Plenty of MEDIA’ Agency. The fourth is the Chelyabinsk branch of RANEPA with the social and environmental project ‘Love Lane,’ the project ‘DOBRO Quest: Family Courses Online,’ and the family club ‘Hand in Hand’. Projects ‘Close Perfumer’ and ‘100 stories’ of the Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Management ranked fifth. The winners are eligible for an International internship and post-acceleration of their projects. This year, Bulgaria is to host the prize-winners. Previously, the teams travelled to Mexico, China, Italy, France, Armenia, and Portugal.

«I’d like to mention the superior quality of the presented projects. It is gratifying to emphasize that modern youth focuses on the development and implementation of social entrepreneurship projects. Special mention should be made of the practicality and value of the majority of projects, as well as the depth of the projects’ elaboration. The Roscongress Foundation, as a non-financial development institution, aims to support and develop youth social entrepreneurship. The major national platforms regularly touch upon this issue. I am confident that the fellows will find regional partners for their projects, and some of them will scale up their ideas nationwide,» said Alexander Stuglev, Chairman of the Board, CEO of the Roscongress Foundation.

The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration of the Russian Federation is the organizer of The RAISE Nationwide Accelerator of Social Initiatives aimed at recognizing and developing young social leaders involved in the development and implementation of actual social projects.

In the 2018/2019 season, Accelerator teams developed more than 90 social entrepreneurship projects. Teams from 31 Russian regions participated in the competition.