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Roscongress Foundation’s social platform holds presentation on Innosocium Nationwide Social Project Competition at RANEPA

27 November 2018
Социальная платформа Фонда Росконгресс провела презентацию Всероссийского конкурса социальных проектов «Инносоциум» в РАНХиГС

A presentation of the Innosocium Nationwide Social Project Competition recently took place at the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA). The event was held as part of the seventh season at RAISE, a national social initiatives accelerator.

The competition is organized by the Innosocium Centre for the Development of Social Communications (a project run in cooperation with the Roscongress Foundation), and the Art, Science and Sport charity foundation. The presentation by the Roscongress Foundation’s social platform covered the benefits of participating in the competition, and the conditions of entry.

«In order to build an inclusive world, secure sustainable development and support a stable society, it is vital like never before to develop social communications institutions, both through promoting social projects and brands, and through social advertising. Young people are the ones who can drive qualitative change in the future. The students of today will determine the world of tomorrow. When it comes to communications and promotion, the Roscongress Foundation is an extremely influential institution. It is a powerful platform for creating an agenda for the future, and fosters new ideas formed from convictions which find their way into everyday life and action plans. This is why it is crucial to build upon social programmes and projects in cooperation with the Roscongress Foundation, and with its support,» said Elena Marinina, Roscongress Foundation Deputy CEO, Director for the Socio-Economic Agenda.

«Interest in charity organizations in Russia is on the rise, as is public trust in the third sector in general. As a result, non-profits are in real need of original new approaches and fresh ideas. By getting young people and students involved in tackling important social issues, the non-commercial sector will have the opportunity to experience development on an entirely new level. It is our belief that young people are the ones who will be able to create a qualitatively new perception of charity work, both among the next generation, and the public at large,» said Maria Krasnikova, Director of the Alisher Usmanov Art, Science and Sport charity foundation.

Also speaking at the event was Vyacheslav Shoptenko, Director of the Institute of Organizational Development and Strategic Initiatives at RANEPA and member of the Innosocium competition’s expert council. Students participating in the RAISE accelerator to formulate objectives and develop business models for their socially focused entrepreneurial projects will also be able to enter their ideas in the Innosocium competition.

«To my mind, there is fantastic synergy to be gained from participating in this way. Clearly, the competition’s expert council is in a position to give valuable feedback for projects, and may enable them to be implemented for real and attain genuine success. I hope that those participating in the accelerator will be among the winners of the inaugural Innosocium competition,» said Shoptenko.

The Roscongress Foundation and the Art, Science and Sport charity foundation launched the Innosocium competition in September 2018. It aims to raise young people’s awareness of work in the social sphere, as well as issues affecting society. Students are invited to develop their projects in three main categories: active ageing, social inclusion, and regional development.

The finalists will be announced in February 2019 at the Russian Investment Forum. The winners will receive funding for their project, and will have the opportunity to present their ideas at SPIEF 2019 in St Petersburg.

The entry deadline is 28 December 2018. Applications may be submitted via