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Sergey Karyakin Winner of Ladoga Trophy Raid

6 June 2018
Сергей Карякин выиграл трофи-рейд «Ладога», прошедший под эгидой ПМЭФ-2018

Dakar 2017 winner Sergey Karyakin won Ladoga Trophy Raid with his partner Stanislav Kurenkov. The race took place under the auspices of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

«Ladoga is a unique competition held in a unique place,» noted Sergey Karyakin, who was the undisputed champion in the four-wheeler ranking. «It’s hard to find such a spectacular race course anywhere. Ladoga Raid always attracts a lot of racing drivers. It is great to be here due to the friendly atmosphere created by the participants. It is my fourth Ladoga competition and I have never won it before. I earned my victory in Dakar at the fourth attempt and the same happened here. After all, it is neither about participation, nor about winning. Ladoga is such a unique chance to relax the mind and see those undisturbed areas, especially Karelia with unforgettable views, unforgettable beauty, the smell of peat swamps — one-of-a-kind and truly astonishing places.»

Over 200 crews from Russia, Germany, Finland, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Belorussia, and Kazakhstan on four-wheel drive cars, off-road bikes and four-wheelers started on 26 May from the St. Isaac square. In seven days, they covered 1,200 km driving through the forests and swamps of Karelia and Leningrad oblast including 200 km of heavy-going artificial sections created by the trophy raid organizers.

«The organizers made such a great racing course. At times, it was even creepy, since we got to places that we had never seen before. I felt satisfied upon completing every section of the course. I will never forget it,» said Sergey Karyakin.

Ladoga Trophy Raid has also become a traditional platform for test-drives, off-road vehicle presentations, and other projects related to automobile tourism. This time, the trophy raid introduced camper Vezdedom — the first Russian off-road mobile home that embodies a new off-road traveling philosophy.