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Russia-ASEAN business dialogue to be held at EEF 2022

22 August 2022
Бизнес-диалог «Россия – АСЕАН» состоится в рамках ВЭФ-2022

The Eastern Economic Forum has become an important platform for discussing topical issues concerning the development of cooperation between Russia’s Far Eastern regions and members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to increase the prosperity of the population in member states. Along with the development of cooperation in traditional areas, the parties will focus on such promising areas as the implementation of joint environmental and climate programmes, increasing energy efficiency based on sustainable development goals, and the creation of an economic system based on the principles of a circular economy and the development of appropriate financing mechanisms.

“In October 2021, at the Russia-ASEAN anniversary summit, at the initiative of the Russian side, 2022 was declared the Year of Scientific and Technical Cooperation between Russia and ASEAN. It is now important to agree on the steps required to move towards the objectives we set, and to identify new growth areas and balanced solutions for successful cooperation between the business communities of Russia and ASEAN countries. To this end, the Russia-ASEAN business dialogue will be held on the venues of the 7th Eastern Economic Forum,” Anton Kobyakov, Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation, Executive Secretary of the EEF 2022 Organizing Committee, said.

The participants will identify the main tools to be deployed to create new long-term sustainable forms of cooperation and will discuss prospects for the further development of scientific, technical and innovative interaction and industrial cooperation. They will focus on building an effective mechanism for sharing best practices and competencies, taking into account the goals of sustainable development.

The business dialogue will be moderated by Ivan Polyakov, Chairman of the Russia-ASEAN Business Council. “In the process of shaping cooperation in a changed world, it is important to operate on the principle of openness and readiness not to rely on transitory perceived benefits, but to create long-term and stable relationships. Russia and the ASEAN countries have fairly stable economic relations. The objective of our dialogue now is to identify new additional ways and solutions to strengthen and multiply them,” Ivan Polyakov noted.

For EEF 2022 updates and news, go to the official Forum social network pages 


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