Invest in Russia — invest in Russian regions!
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Analytical digest
26 August 2021
Мультиспортивный ВЭФ-2021, уникальный герой Паралимпиады в Токио и «исключительная» Уфа-2021
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29 July 2020
How China is Using Digital and Technologies to Combat COVID-19

In this report, Accenture studies how China is using digital and technologies to combat the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and facilitate economic recovery.

Analytical digest
27 April 2020
The Fast and the Furious Star. USD 150 Million from FIFA. USD 1.4 Billion for Formula 1 and the Return of the Sport

The Roscongress Foundation presents the ‘World Sport Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic’ news digest for 23–27 April.

4 September 2020
Throwing in at the Deep End: How the Coronavirus Pandemic Influenced Mining and Metal Production Market?

KPMG Mustread presents an article that addresses the situation in the mining and metal production market after the coronavirus pandemic. The article reflects sentiments of major international and Russian metal production companies as well as demand behavior outlook in the nearest future.

16 July 2020
Prospects for Russian urban habitat development and its adaptation to COVID-19 consequences

The RANEPA analytical note assesses short-term and possible long-term consequences of the pandemic impact on spatial development trends, changes in citizens’ demands and requirements for the urban habitat, as well as recommendations for public policy improving in the field of urban development, taking into account COVID-19 lessons.