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Switch to Cloud Services. Cloud Services - Urgent Business Necessity: How to Chalk Up Maximum Profit

6 November 2020
Переход к облаку. Облако — насущная необходимость для бизнеса: как создать максимальную ценность.
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Accenture presents a study on the introduction and use of cloud technology in business and industry.

Accenture’s study examines the benefits of cloud storage, including the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on business process management. The authors describe the advantages and capabilities of the technology, the difficulties that may arise in the process of its use and implementation, as well as provide recommendations on how to transfer the workload to the cloud, optimise related processes, to select qualified personnel to maintain cloud systems.

The Roscongress Foundation presents the salient points of the publication accompanied by fragments of broadcasts of relevant panel discussions from the business programme of international events held by the Roscongress Foundation.

Cloud technology obviously has a number of advantages that allow you to increase efficiency, flexibility and customer focus, but only if it is carefully thought out and designed for the long term.

Quite a large workload continues to be carried out in local data centers for a number of reasons related to technology, security, complexity, outdated infrastructure, data sovereignty and human psychology.

Some difficulties arise, for example, in international organisations with large-scale outdated infrastructure. Modernisation of complex, business-critical structures with a large number of relationships does not happen in an instant. Significant preliminary work is needed to create the architecture. If the architecture is not developed, services may be ineffective and reduce expected value.


IT resource management in terms of cloud infrastructure is fundamentally different. The traditional administration model by purchasing and deploying additional hardware does not work in this case.

The upgrade should be carefully thought out and designed for the long term and it should be based on detailed information about the applications. The strategy must take into account where and why the organisation is moving, and should be flexible enough to change over time.

Resource consumption, capacity, performance and, most importantly, costs need to be continuously managed. This requires new skills and new operating functions.


Cloud technology allows the rapid development of new environments, simultaneously implementing several ideas and determining the most effective and safe solutions.

With the flexibility of cloud technology and collaboration with hyperscalers and other service providers, organisations can afford to reduce the burden of time-consuming, routine operations. The freed up human and financial resources can be used to adapt systems to future business and customer requirements.

In addition, the cloud is a catalyst for business rethinking based on data, advanced analytical tools and AI. Cloud technology also involves close cooperation with suppliers and partners, as well as secure data exchange in order to optimize and accelerate deliveries and implement new business models. Access to the partners` systems can be considered as a factor that can fundamentally change the innovation landscape.


For more information, please see the Entrepreneurship, special section of the Roscongress information and analytical system, Digitalization, Big Data and IT industry.

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